Friday, May 21, 2004

It doesn't help, you know

Searching through pictures to put on my new blog... and my playlist is playing Seattle-moving-music into my headphones loud enough to drown out the video games and street noise. Wind is the only outside stimulus. Last friday Darrel was talking about how much he's dying to take a trip somewhere, and I couldn't let on how much I *long* to do so myself. We both know it's an impossibility right now.

And, of course, in setting up my blog, what do I spy... A HIGHWAY!!!
I don't cry, but I do feel a punch to the stomach. A little one.

So I sort through 30 some pictures taken by my web cam of myself in our [Darrel and my] tiny Seattle apartment, taken in the last few months we were there. I was doing well, 'dietetically', but my eyes were vacant on the zoloft on that dosage. The tornado was in the Jar. And I have the pictures to prove it.

... but oh! he white running pipes, old steam heaters, vintage cameras, and Janey! When she was thin. Oh! Me, before I bulked for up for the snows, or whatever makes you gain weight by simply breathing the air...

Got to think about moving. No, not out of Green Bay. Baby steps. Brian may have been throwing a tantrum when he said pack up and leave, but I'm taking him up on it. Motley still hasn't told Brian I take it, but it's Motley and me moving into the new apartment if it happens, not Motley and him... I don't envy him the duty, but hey, I had to give the ring back, and that wasn't pretty, I promise you.

Current Music: No Need to Worry - Folk Implosion
Current Mood: Anxious [but I think it's justified]
Current Wt =/-: -2

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