I'm trying! So here I am, blogging. I want to do this every day [or at least every weekday] but there are other thing I'd like to do every day that I fail at too. Hopefully this won't be one of them.
Though I have nothing to say, so what's the point? At least I showed up - that's what I'm going for. Though I did get a name of a book I want to read: 'Replay' by Ken Grimwood. Sounds interesting.
Otherwise not much. Not feeling well, almost called in today for being barfy this morning. Have to clean and work on bracelets tonight. Mentally preparing for having two kids tomorrow and for the weekend when I feel like my esophagus is being burned out while at the same time something is trying to tunnel downward out of my stomach. Blargh. Mandy says it's because the baby has dropped - though it's early for that to happen, but sometimes happens early in first pregnancies. I don't know. All I do know is that it hurts to stand, hurts to move, and when I lay down the acid eats me alive. 15 more weeks of this? Please help me make it through... Going to go home and beat Jason tonight for doing this to me :)