Wednesday, May 02, 2007

I'd have thought this would come out differently

Your Political Profile:
Overall: 40% Conservative, 60% Liberal
Social Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal

Eh, more to write soon - on the new house and such. Very overwhelmed right now though...

Friday, April 20, 2007


Okay, so I think I’m supposed to write something on the VT massacre. And I have had a couple things rattling in my head. I don’t really discuss them because, well, I haven’t kept up with events as well as others have [I have a *life*!] but nevertheless I should commit them to “paper” in case they pan out years from now so I can say “I told you so!”

Sexual Abuse: I think there is an issue in his life about sexual abuse that’s going to come to light as a possible motive. Now, I haven’t even seen/read the ‘multi-media-manifesto’ package contents, but from excerpts that have been quoted, I mentions 2 famous molesters in his diatribe: John Mark Karr and Debra Lafave. His story involves a molesting stepfather. Another story [apparently, I haven’t read it] involves several students encountering a thieving molesting teacher on a trip. This seems too coincidental to overlook. Was he the victim? The perpetrator? I have no insight – I’m just a civilian.

The thing that bugs me though is that he talks about this differentiation between the haves and the have-nots. According to accounts his family was pretty poor back home in Korea. His family moved here for a chance at a better life [as the story often goes]. But they seemed to have made it: parents owned a successful business, both children went to university, and his sister was on her way to a very promising career [and still will be, supposing her brother hasn’t ruined that for her.] But in his manifesto he seems to see a divide between himself and the other students on a net-worth scale. He sees them as having all these riches, and himself as not [and better for it.] But these were his peers. He was there in classes with his victims, attending the same school as them, likely driving the same car as them, we now know he had nice camera equipment and plenty of opportunity… Two [or was it three?] of the victims went to his high school – I assume that means that they came from the same neighborhoods as well. Fact is that he was doing the same as these people he seemed to think were financially superior to him. With a sister that went to an Ivy league school he may even have been doing better. But one thing is for certain and that is that he was doing one hell of a lot better than most people. I knew I’d never go to university because my family didn’t have the resources. I wonder how I will be able to provide that education for my daughter when she gets that age. People starve homeless in the street, people struggle in dead end jobs knowing that they’ll never get ahead. And striving to maintain that one-paycheck-from-homelessness that is their life. Truly this wasn’t his cross to bear. I don’t know. It just strikes me ironic that he spent so much time convincing himself that he was seen as inferior that he couldn’t see that he never really was. And didn’t see how good he actually had it.

I’m sure none of this makes sense. I’m kinda rambling and it’s all a bit of circular logic but I wanted to at least try to put it out there. Maybe I’ll revise it later. Or not. Whatever.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Step 20 is the Killer

Getting to Florence is actually pretty darned easy. 76 simple steps. I never realized that I could do it on my own.

Nothing new to report - same scheiße, different day. Got out of the hospital again yesterday - the second time since Saturday night - and again it's just "one of those pregnancy things." Doctor actually said: "There are things that happen where if you weren't pregnant we would be very worried that they were occuring, but since you are pregnant, it's just one of those pregnancy things." So I'm supposed to bleed when I pee and have sharp stabbing pains in my lower abdomen that escalate to occuring every 5 seconds [no lie], be dizzy to the point of falling down and see bright holes in my vision like fireflies flying around my head. Not to mention the contractions that were occuring every 4 minutes - TWO MONTHS EARLY! Yes, this is apparently "one of those pregnancy things". Grr.

More later...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Thought of something!

"The Old Insanity" [to your right] - the anniversary of that happened this past weekend. I was surprised to be reminded of that during mass this past weekend when they mentioned Jim as the mass intention for the anniversary of his death. And surprised that it had been 3 years ago. I suppose I could have realized that simply by looking at the old blog entries, but I guess I really don't think of myself as having been here in Wisconsin that long [or want to think of myself as having been here that long? maybe...]

"I'm From The Internet!"
You know, yesterday Jason's brother took off for Belgium, and of course I was insanely jealous of the opportunity to not only go to europe, but the fact that he would be moving there soon. I had asked Jason about it, and he said that his brother had friends that he had met on the internet and would go to visit them, and in doing that he and his wife had decided to relocate. My initial reaction was terror for him, thinking "that can never go well!!" and that I had personal experience with that specific scenario [without the cool european relocation part - just a crummy midwestern relocation] but then I realized that if it hadn't happened that I'd have never met Jason, so even though it has been unbearable for the vast majority of the time since I stepped onto that train in Pioneer Square, the good that was finding Jason outweighs all of it. The internet is so full of surprises.

If it weren't for all the anti-social shut-ins, how would you feed your sense of superiority?

I thought that line was reason enough to post a blog...

I did before but after typing for a long time I hit my mouse and lost everything I'd typed and got frustrated and rememebred why I stopped blogging here for years... eh... so I'm not slacking like I said I wouldn't, but honestly nothing really intersting is going on in life. So why waste bandwidth?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Vita contin git. Vive com eo.

I'm trying! So here I am, blogging. I want to do this every day [or at least every weekday] but there are other thing I'd like to do every day that I fail at too. Hopefully this won't be one of them.

Though I have nothing to say, so what's the point? At least I showed up - that's what I'm going for. Though I did get a name of a book I want to read: 'Replay' by Ken Grimwood. Sounds interesting.

Otherwise not much. Not feeling well, almost called in today for being barfy this morning. Have to clean and work on bracelets tonight. Mentally preparing for having two kids tomorrow and for the weekend when I feel like my esophagus is being burned out while at the same time something is trying to tunnel downward out of my stomach. Blargh. Mandy says it's because the baby has dropped - though it's early for that to happen, but sometimes happens early in first pregnancies. I don't know. All I do know is that it hurts to stand, hurts to move, and when I lay down the acid eats me alive. 15 more weeks of this? Please help me make it through... Going to go home and beat Jason tonight for doing this to me :)